Lucian Freud

(An exhibit in Venice, September 2005)

Yes, the body is a hideous thing,
the feet and genitals especially,
the human face not for behind. Blue veins
make snakes on the back of hands, and mar
the marble glassy massiveness of things.
Such clotted weight’s worth seeing after centuries
(Pygmalion to Conova) of the nude
as spirit’s outer form, a white flame: Psyche.

How wonderfully St. Gauden’s slim Diana
stands on one foot, in air, moon-cool,
forever! But no, flesh drags us down,
its mottled earth the painter’s avid ground,
earth innocently ugly, sound asleep,
poor nakedness, sunk angel, sack of phlegm.

John Updike

Publicado por contra-baixo 23:19:00  


  1. e-ko said...
    Yes, I adore. Good peinter this Lucien Freud better than Updike as writer.
    james said...
    Neste caso concreto, a excepção confirma a regra de que os netos não são necessariamente talentosos como os avós.
    floreseabelhas said...
    Um dos meus pintores favoritos.

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