Fait- Divers

Artur Costa, do blog Sine Die, acha que esta coisa da notícia ( acompanhada da foto fatal) do Diário de Notícias, sobre o Inspector Nunes, da ASAE, é uma seca sem eira nem beira, explorada por quem nada mais tem que fazer do que dar atenção a fait-divers.

Caro, Artur Costa: está redondamente enganado. Esta história foi notícia nos principais meios de comunicação...mundiais. Consegue adivinhar porquê? Pense, porque isso é importante para aquilo que faz profissionalmente, no meu modestíssimo entender. E V. ainda é dos poucos que consigo perceber e defender em relação a certas decisões do STJ...

Uma gaffe, por vezes, é muito mais do que isso, como V. certamente, já se deu conta, há uns meses atrás.

Veja por aqui:

Der Spiegel:

Antonio Nunes, president of Portugal's food standards agency, which is responsible for enforcing the ban, was photographed by the daily Diario de Noticias smoking a cigar at a casino on the outskirts of the capital Lisbon.
Instead of apologizing for the gaffe, Nunes told the paper he had not been aware that the anti-smoking law applied to casinos as well as cafes, restaurants and bars. But the Ministry of Health confirmed this was indeed the case. His answer: "We will have to look into what is in the law."

New York Times:

The head of the government agency responsible for enforcing a new ban on smoking in public places was photographed by the newspaper Diário de Notícias smoking a cigar at a New Year’s party at a casino, just after the ban went into effect. The official, António Nunes, said he was unaware that the ban on smoking in cafes, restaurants and bars also applied to casinos. “We will have to look into what is in the law,” he told the paper.


The President of the Portuguese Food Standards Agency was pictured having a cigar at a casino on the outskirts of Lisbon, after the law came into effect.
Mr Nunes said he was unaware that the ban on smoking in bars, cafes and restaurants also applied to casinos. "We will have to look into what is in the law," he told a newspaper.

Publicado por josé 14:27:00  

1 Comment:

  1. n said...
    É triste... Somos mais uma vez alvo de chacota internacional..
    E com razão. Obviamente, António Nunes deveria ter-se demitido.
    mas, como sempre, neste país a culpa morre solteira.

    Licínia Duarte

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