ainda a Alemanha
'they wanted someone to wash their fur, but at the same time not get it wet'

no Wall Street Journal - German voters get a chance for reform but choose gridlock instead...

German voters may not again get quite as good a shot at installing a government that can bring about real economic reforms. Voters balked at real change at the last minute. In the words of economist Norbert Walter, "<>." Most Germans understand that their country has to modernize in the long run, but, says Thomas Kielinger, a writer for the newspaper Die Welt, "when push comes to shove many are reluctant to go for the candidate who tells it like it is."

The late economist Mancur Olson argued that the downfall of democracy would be its tendency to calcify into special-interest gridlock. Germany's extensive welfare state has created millions of voters who fear the loss of any benefits. Combine that with voters in eastern Germany who cling to outmoded notions of state support and you have an formidable challenge to bring about real reform.

e aqui mais informação relevante (em inglês). Na imagem a antiga RDA vs a antiga RFA.

Publicado por Manuel 16:22:00  


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