o sentido do vento

THE NEW YORK TIMES is planning on integrating its traditional print newsroom with its new-fangled online e-internet e-newsroom, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Members of staff from the old and the new schools will begin collaborating and cooperating, and other words that begin with co, on news and coverage more regularly than they are doing now, editor Bill Keller told his employees in a memorandum.

The print and online newsrooms, currently in seperate building in Manhattan, will be put under the same roof when the new 52-story headquarters is opened in 2007.

Print employees will be expected to take care of the Internet hacks, for example, Jonathan Landman has been an assistant managing editor at the paper but will now be assuming the role of deputy managing editor for digital journalism.

Of course, the print hacks and hackettes will no doubt be a little angry that they're having to share a building with fake internet pseudo-journalists

The Register

Publicado por Manuel 14:03:00  

1 Comment:

  1. Anónimo said...
    Meu caro Manuel, o vento está a soprar mais forte do que aquilo que aqui no cantinho damos conta.

    No passado dia 1 de Agosto foi lançado nos Estados Unidos um novo canal de televisão por cabo, cujo mentor e presidente é... Al Gore, ele mesmo!

    Que eu tenha dado por isso, a comunicação social portuguesa não deu por nada.

    Em jeito de apresentação, aqui vai parte do texto posto a circular em Junho:

    Current is a new, independent cable and satellite TV network. Here's what we're up to:

    There's plenty to watch on TV, but as a viewer, you don't have much chance to influence or contribute to what you see. This medium - the most powerful, riveting one we have - is still a narrow vision of reality rolled out in predictable 30-minute chunks. It's still a fortress of an old-school, one-way world.

    We want to bust it open.

    We're rethinking the way TV is produced, programmed, and presented, so it actually makes sense to an audience that's accustomed to choice, control, and collaboration in everything else they do.

    Já agora o site: www.current.tv

    Nota final: no passado dia 16 de Junho, no meu blogue, já anunciava a abertura desta estação.

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