Combate à corrupção?

"Corruption charges. Corruption? Corruption ain't nothing more than government intrusion in the form of regulation. That’s Milton Friedman. He got a goddamn Nobel prize. We have laws against it precisely so we can get away with it. Corruption is our protection. Corruption is what keep us safe and warm. Corruption is why you an I are here in the white-hot center of things instead of fighting each other for scraps of meat out there in the streets. how we win"

Diálogo entre Danny Dalton e Bob no filme Syriana

Publicado por Carlos 12:13:00  

1 Comment:

  1. Alexandre Ferreira said...
    Este diálogo faz apenas completo sentido no contexto em que é produzido - os EUA - onde as leis do lobbyng tornam as coisas, simultaneamente, mais claras mas com mais tons de cinzento.
    São regras que deviam estar claramente implementadas no nosso mercado de interesses. Mas enfim...

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