"The Cult of MarsellrebelldeSosa"

daquí trascrevemos com a vénia devida uma obra de puro génio.

This is Marsellrebelldesosa.

Every Sunday evening Marsellrebelldesosa talks to the nation. And the nation listens. He wears a perma-tan (for I have seen him conducting his tv church via direct satellite link from his holidays in the islands) and a smart blazer and the people love him. Between 8.30 and 9.30 (actually you can only guess at the hour, punctuality doesn't figure even in TV, let alone the rest of portuguese life) a hush descends on the land as Marsellrebelldesosa glows out of the screen and into the hearts and minds of the people.

Along with Marsellrebelldesosa's brilliant blue eyes, the tv channel is all brightly designed to help mesmerize the congregation, primary colours, words flashing by at the bottom of the screen. Marsellrebelldesosa sometimes talks for 45 minutes, sometimes for hours on end but no-one dares turn off the tv or turn over to their favourite brazilian telenovella such is Marsellrebelldesosa's power over them.

Old ladies quote him in the street "MarsellrebelldeSosa said so, it must be true!" Otherwise individual thinking academics ring each other after his sunday sermon and giggle like little schoolgirls "hoo hoo, did you hear what MarsellrebelldeSosa said? ooh hoo".

This is the cult of Marsellrebelldesosa.

Publicado por Manuel 00:04:00  


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